Ancestral Healing – finally belonging

Heal yourself with a series of six 50 minute webinars with guided meditations.

Open the door to meet with your Ancestors

Embark on this journey in a series of 50 minute webinars with a guided meditation. This journey is the beginning of your adventure of meeting with your Ancestors where you go from strangers to recognising their energy. 

You have watched Webinar One, so now the whole journey is available to you at a special price! As you have begun to build the bridge with your ancestors this is the way to take the next natural step!

You have begun this journey! So this is the obvious next step!


Would you LOVE ❤️ to Finally understand your family?

Would you like to know why your family is the way it is?

Have you ever wondered why you chose this family to be born into? Why THIS family? 

Have you already noticed patterns in your family? Infertility, anxiety, or being unable to cope?

Do the elderly women complain about the men, and do the men bury their heads in the sand? 

Do the older men have great expectations of their sons only to be disappointed and often absent? 

Have you got a repeat of illnesses and emotional hysteria in the family?

Have secrets been kept and mysteries remained in the family stories? Is there shame and cover-ups in the past?

Are you tired of these mysteries that no one will explain, and are you afraid that your own children are inheriting the traits you have been trying to avoid your whole life?

Is there a great deal of ADHD and other difficult diagnoses in your family? Was there trauma in your family’s past and are you fed up with all the rejections and blocks in the family and would like the family to be peaceful and easy?

Would you love your family to be a peaceful haven of ease and tranquility?

Would you like to:

Find a better balance in your family, understanding their history and their journey.

Have peace at home, and understand that when things go wrong that resilience is there and that these breakdowns can bring breakthroughs.

Know that your family has the tools and the resources to thrive in a challenging world.

Make a Huge difference to your family, for this generation and for the next three generations to come.

You can provide what was missing for you, and ensure that this is supported going forward into the family bloodline.

You can do this on your own, with no support from your current family and you need not be scared or feel alone.


Peace and Ease at home – at last you have a tool to heal the ancestral pain of your family and put the past in the past.

  • This webinar series shows you how to speak with your ancestors and hear their wise council over their own past tragedies. Whenever an issue comes up in the family you can work with your Ancestors to heal the current family issues.
  • You will get a life long tool that you can use and develop over the six weeks to be confident in working with your own ancestors to heal your family forever.
  • This course is designed to take any family issue you are suffering with towards healing and resolution forever, creating peace at home.
  • You develop a rich appreciation for your family and the gifts and angst they have suffered.

How Does Ancestral Healing Work? Do I have to be a Shaman to do it properly?

You are best placed to heal your family ancestors as their DNA is in yours…

  • You will get 5 complete Ancestral Healing Webinars to watch and listen to as often as you want to. We suggest that you watch them over 6 weeks to get the best results.
  • You will get entry to a private facebook group where you can share your experiences and get peer support.
  • You will get one free one-on-one with Liz Calvert to ensure you dig deep and get the best out of this webinars series.
  • The amazing benefits have been the healing of father and mother wounds, which brings more zest and joy to life.
  • Forgiveness healing dark clouds in the family to allow the next generations to move towards their own destiny, not that prescribed by the family.
  • Air under the wings of the next generation where they are free to sore and dive and fall, feeling alive forever, losing all obligations and ties to old family dogma.

After 30 years of carrying her ‘Mother Wound’…it opened the door to healing and beginning a new warm relationship

I have known Liz for over 20 years so I completely trusted her process. I followed the webinar with curiosity and interest. I did all the exercises and the homework. Then on session five I had an amazing experience where I healed the relationship with my mother who had died while in my 40’s. I’m now 60.

I felt so moved and touched by this experience and it was so unexpected and just a miracle! After years of no relationship or appreciation for my mother, I suddenly found a well of deep compassion and warmth for her. This has allowed me to have more compassion and warmth for myself.

I highly recommend Liz’s course to free you up of your past baggage!


Healing my money wounds – they were ancestral!

I wanted to do this webinar as I had so many questions about my family and the stories I was told over the years.We all seemed cold and uncaring towards each other – once I compared my family with everyone else’s.

When I did the webinar I had a profound realization that my family were terrified of poverty and had passed this trauma along the family lines. I realized that I was terrified of no money and terrified of loads of money. It was such a profound insight that I shifted my whole perspective on money. 

I now treasure money and take very good care of it. I treasure myself better too. I live for my own objectives and live by my own rules not others rules.

I recommend this course to open up the darker aspects of yourself that you didn’t even know where running you.


Ancestral Healing complete module details –  What we cover?


Introduction to Ancestral Healing

Here we introduce you to the significance of ancestral healing and understanding the intergenerational impact of our ancestors. There is preparation of the Altar, the Prayer and the symbols for the journey to begin.This was your first free introduction to this webinar series.You have already mastered this one!


Uncovering Ancestral Lineages

For this experience to work, you begin by exploring the and tracing your ancestral roots. We look at techniques for this and the repeating family patterns.Then we have a guided mediation and homework to complete.


Healing Ancestral Trauma

Here we examine ancestral trauma, and review the practices for healing and releasing ancestral wounds. This is key to understanding how to build a bridge with your Ancestors.

Book your one-to-one with Liz Calvert


Rituals and Ceremonies for Ancestral Connection

We explore the various cultural and spiritual practices for honoring ancestors. We create personal rituals for your bridge building with your ancestors. 


Ancestral Wisdom and Guidance.

Here we tap into the ancestral wisdom through your own intuition and meditation – we learn to interpret signs and messages from your ancestors.


Integration and Celebration

Here we reflect on the journey and the experiences so far and share breakthroughs on the facebook page Ancestral Healing.

This IS for you if …

  • You feel disconnected from your family and your own self love.
  • You feel like you are carrying a pattern that is setting you back in your life.
  • You know that there are issues with your family but you have no way of knowing where to start.
  • You are worried about your family dysfunctions and don’t know where to turn.
  • You notice that the family is out of balance and want to bring it back into a safe place.

This is NOT for you if …

  • If you have decided that you know everything about your family and you are not open to learn a new perspective 
  • If you are attached to a particular ancestor and only want to liaise with them as this process can not guarantee any fixed outcome.
  • Have a strong hatred and distrust of your family as they wont be able to approach you.
  • You have no faith that the ancestors are available for you to meet and work with to help heal your family lines
  • You feel strongly that families don’t matter to you.

hi there,

I’m Liz

I have been interested in ancestral healing ever since I first attended Family Constellation session in Cape Town well over 20 years ago.I understood then that the Ancestors were very important in our understanding of our family line. Living in South Africa gave me a great appreciation from the Zulu and Xhosa tribes of the importance and influences of our Ancestors. At the same time, my family was involved in family ancestry as we were all living longer.

I started to read Akashic Records and realized the depth of healing available to us universally through our guides and angelic healers, as well as setting intentions and manifesting a new opening.

As a trained Life and Career Coach I saw that opening up new dimensional understanding of our Ancestors at this time would allow for a great potential to come through for healing us at this time.

I wanted to feel more united with my family after we had cancer and fibromyalgia diagnoses and this course has allowed me to see and heal more patterns than ever before.

This is the best time to begin this journey, as it found you and you are now ready to go for Gold – Peace and Harmony in your family.

You are tired of the repeating patterns and so this is your opportunity to get them handled!

Maybe you don’t know your family and feel lost? This is your opportunity to safely meet and build bridges with them.

This is a powerful way to release deep core wounds of trauma in the family and send this healing to the next three generations.

This is powerful work!

Maybe you can end your people pleasing or your over thinking? Maybe your inner child could do with some nurture and some love? Maybe you were emotionally neglected as a child and it’s your opportunity to love yourself the way you were not loved.

You are worth it! And it’s time to do this for you! You can’t put a price on Peace.


If there’s a limited time offer add it here …

Add the details of the limited offer here …

Start your Ancestral Healing Journey Now!


Pay In Full – Once off payment

  • You get full access to all the five webinars and the free introductory webinar
  • You get a personal one on one with Liz (worth £150)
  • You get access to the private Facebook Community

 £50 per webinar

x 5 webinars

  • You take the journey at your pace 
  • Super affordable
  • Access to the private Facebook Community 

This webinar opened me up to appreciate myself and my family and my own journey

I struggled to feel anything for my family as I had always been Cinderella! There was a great deal to forgive and to let go of.

I realized that by not loving my Mum I was actually withholding love from myself, and this love was very much what I was looking for.

I completed a great deal of inner child work with Liz on a one on one basis and I took my time to work with this energy. My ancestors were kind and opened up doors to me that were mystical and magical.

I’m very grateful for this course and would recommend it to anyone who has struggled with self acceptance and self love.



Whenever you decide to start! We will send you the webinars for you to watch on your phone or your laptop whenever you want to watch them. We recommend that you watch them one evening every week to get the journey pace going and the space in between activated.

Yes!! This is perfect for you as both your adoptive and biological family can be accessed. This is a whole new opening for you! We would advise that you tell Liz that this is your situation as you may require more than one one to one with her to support you.

You will need at least one hour for each webinar and set aside 15 minutes a day for journaling and meditation. 

How you decide to speak with your Ancestors using this webinar is up to you. It’s important that you set a very clear intention and that you maintain the spiritual practices during the time you are watching the webinars.

Not at this price. The normal price £299.00

Due to the immediate access to the materials there is no refund or cancellation available.

Just send Liz a email on


What if this does not work for me?

Well, in life there are no guarantees. Let’s turn it around and say – what if this really did work for you? What would that make possible?

A better relationship with your Family?

A closer connection with your Children?

There is no price on that…. Yes we are taking you into the miracle realms and as it has worked for dozens of others why would it not work for you?

You are the only piece missing.

Start your Ancestral Healing Journey Now!


Pay In Full – Once off payment

  • You get full access to all the five webinars and the free introductory webinar
  • You get a personal one on one with Liz (worth £150)
  • You get access to the private Facebook Community

 £50 per webinar

x 5 webinars

  • You take the journey at your pace 
  • Super affordable
  • Access to the private Facebook Community 

Testimonial Heading

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